Too Many Sleepless Nights? Here’s How to Get a Better Night’s Sleep

Sleep disorders can be caused by anxiety, pain in the body, stress, depression, medication, diet, menopause, and illness. In many cases, you can change your nightly routine and resolve the problem when it’s not caused by illness or a sleep disorder. You can change your eating habits, find ways to relax before bed and create a restful environment in the bedroom at home to resolve sleep issues.

Changing Your Bedtime Routine

Stop working on computers, watching TV, and using your cell phone a few hours before bedtime. The glow or light from these electronic devices may disrupt your sleep. Do not drink caffeine late in the day as this is another cause of sleeplessness. Play a board game, listen to music, read, write in a journal, or work on a craft to relax before bedtime. Avoid vigorous exercise three to four hours before bedtime. Try taking a warm shower or bath. Find a way to keep your bedroom cool and reduce noise. Be sure to have a firm mattress, comfortable sheets, and a pillow that contributes to sleep. Try to stick to a regular routine at night.

Sleep Disorders and Treatment

There are many types of sleep disorders that prevent children and adults from getting a good night’s sleep. In fact, over 20% of Americans suffer from a sleep disorder. Sleep apnea is a disorder that stops you from breathing properly at night, leading to tiredness and breathing difficulty. Narcolepsy is a disorder that, despite a good night’s sleep, you fall asleep during the day and its causes are not known. There are many different sleep disorders such as restless leg syndrome, sleepwalking, shift work disorder, and others found in adults and children. There are many different treatments for different sleep disorders.

Bedwetting has been linked to sleep disorders by some professionals, as stated in the Sleep and Health Journal. Over 15% of children wet beds up to the age of five. Treatment for bedwetting as a sleep disorder may involve medications, behavior modification techniques, and monitoring equipment. These therapies may be able to be used at home.

Pain In the Body and Illness

Insomnia has been linked to dental problems, tooth pain, and grinding of the teeth. Gum disease and tooth decay can lead to pain and lack of sleep. What you eat or drink can cause tooth decay and loss of enamel. Sports drinks are harmful to your teeth. However, researchers concluded that energy drinks result in twice as much enamel loss as opposed to consuming sports drinks. Be sure to limit your intake of sugary or energizing drinks before bed, as this can greatly disrupt your sleeping pattern.

Getting a dental checkup, regularly brushing your teeth, and reducing the sugar in your diet can help with sleep problems related to dental issues. Other causes of sleep loss may be arthritis, sports injuries, and other illnesses. When your sleep is disrupted by constant pain, you should consult a doctor to rule out serious illness or a sleep clinic.

Other Tips For Sleeping At Night

Limit daytime naps to no longer than one hour as they can interfere with nighttime sleep. Try to get regular exercise during the day to reduce stress and try to manage worries before bedtime by writing, talking with someone, or using breathing techniques. A cool, quiet, and dark bedroom can be conducive to a good sleeping environment. Do not drink alcohol or smoke close to bedtime as they can disrupt your sleep. When your sleep problems continue, be sure to contact a health care provider to find the cause.

These are ways to try to help with sleepless nights at home and ways to alter your nightly routine. When you suffer from chronic sleeplessness, it’s time to consult a professional to find the cause and get treated.


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